
Positive, God-loving Clothing


Prison Pussy at Le Baron, Paris

All I have to say is: "Sam" if every one's gotta muah muah kiss kiss you at the door, puuhleeazzz shave that prison pussy. NOTE: This term (prison pussy) refers to a specific kind of beard around a man's mouth, and comes courtesy of my friend Suzanne. Isn't your life better for knowing it?


Justin - What Goes Around Comes Around (Director's Cut)

Nick Cassavetes will never be his dad. Sam Bayer will never be a real movie director. Justin will never be Michael. THIS VIDEO IS UNEQUIVOCALLY GREAT.


Francois-Henri Pinault + Kanye West

BFFAE. Nothing warms my heart like seeing multibillionaire businessman Monsieur Pinault (of luxury giant PPR) and his bosom buddy, Mr. Kanye West, brought together for a night in Paris a la Stella McCartney. Sweatshirt is by L.A. label LRG.

In other news, Mr. Kanye West has also just become a partner in In-n-Out Burger rival chain, FATBURGER: http://www.fatburger.net/home/.

Grizzly Bear Tourdates

A far cry from those first concerts when we sat stoned &cross-legged in a semicircle of six at the Bowery Ballroom. Today, catch em on tour but they've definitely arrived so wade through the faux-hippie/red-lipsticked chicks because it's worth it. Grizzly bear 3 years ago, Grizzly Bear today -- rad rad rad.

Feb 18, 2007 Portland, OR Mission Theater (*Early Show 7pm All Ages/with the Papercuts*)
Feb 18, 2007 Portland, OR Mission Theater (*Late Show 21+ 9pm/ with the Papercuts*)
Feb 20, 2007 San Francisco, CA Great American Music Hall (w/ The Papercuts and Foreign Born)
Feb 21, 2007 Los Angeles, CA The Troubadour (w/ The Papercuts and Foreign Born)
Feb 23, 2007 Tucson, AZ Plush (w/ The Papercuts and The Crowd)
Feb 24, 2007 Marfa, TX Ballroom Marfa (w/ The Papercuts)
Feb 26, 2007 Norman, OK The Opolis (w/ The Papercuts)
Feb 27, 2007 Dallas, TX Club Dada (w/ The Papercuts and Peter & The Wolf)
Feb 28, 2007 Austin, TX Emo's Jr (w/ The Papercuts and Peter & The Wolf)
Mar 01, 2007 Baton Rouge, LA Chelsea's (w/ The Papercuts and Harlan)
Mar 02, 2007 Atlanta, GA Drunken Unicorn (w/ The Papercuts and Deerhunter)
Mar 03, 2007 Chapel Hill, NC Local 506 (w/ The Papercuts)
Mar 04, 2007 Washtington DC, DC Black Cat (w/ The Papercuts and Beach House)
Mar 06, 2007 New York, NY SOLD OUT: Bowery Ballroom (w/ The Papercuts and Beach House)
Mar 07, 2007 New York, NY SOLD OUT!: Bowery Ballroom (w/ the Papercuts and Beach House)
Apr 29, 2007 Indio, Coachella Festival
May 18, 2007 Somerset, UK ATP vs The Fans (Butlins Holiday Resort Minehead)
May 31, 2007 Barcelona, Spain Primavera Festival


Hey thetripwire.com, who're you kidding??

Your shit's been over since you redid the website last year. None of you guys know what you're talking about any more. Look what "player picks" i got in the email today. Who're you kidding?? And get rid of that annoying dude on your podcast who can't pronounce "Xiu Xiu"

Los Angeles, CAL
> Fall Out Boy Infinity on High [Album]
> Little Miss Sunshine [Movie]


Mariage Freres Tea

Mariage Freres (Rue du Bourg-Tibourg, 3e), get the 28 Euro classic tea menu: 4 decadent sandwiches (foie gras, crevettes, smoked salmon, cucumber) done immaculately and served with your choice of the kind of tea that gets you hiiiigghhh. Makes the Alice Roi-designed Lady Mendl's (www.innatirving.com) in NYC look like kindergarten snacktime. Unfortunately, the highly traditional French institution of Mariage Freres happens to now be owned by a Tawainese businessman. Or maybe Thai. Sorry to say, it's no longer the family affair it once was.


Best Macarons in Paris

Are, like all the guidebooks say, at La Durée. Try: Rose Petal, Violet-Cassis, Café, Praliné, among others.
(75, avenue des Champs Elysees, 8e)


Gustavo Lins at Galerie Joyce, Palais Royal

"Défilé Statique" translation: instead of models on a runway, mannequins in a Galerie. Ah, yes, how... how do you say that in french? Ah right, conceptual. Gustavo left Louis Vuitton several years ago and has since been creating his own asian-inspired, sculpturally tailored clothes for men and women. Beautiful attention to materials, but not strikingly original in my esteem. Swarms of photographers in an itty bitty space. Free champagne and tea. Images of the clothes from Diane Pernet (http://dianepernet.typepad.com/diane/2007/01/gustavo_lins_at.html), ghetto photo of invite by me, Gold Molar.

"Barbe a Papa" - Cotton Candy & Obscure 80s Cartoons

Roughly translated as "Papa's Beard", "Barbe à Papa" is the flavor we Americans call "Cotton Candy".

Then, there is "Barbapapas" a wildly popular 80s cartoon about a shapeshifting family that grew from the ground. Though it was apparently broadcast in the US, I had never seen it and it's pretty sick. Check out this link: http://whoa-cool.net/barbapapa/fun.php, for endless hours of fun, including YouTube episodes. See the shockingly revelatory results of my quiz:

Which Barbapapa Personality Are You?

You are Barbidou! You love the natural world. You enjoy getting out of the city with an armful of kitties and/or puppies.
Take this quiz!

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Tigersushi Records: Poni Hoax at La Boule Noire

Poni Hoax, My Sister Klaus, Theoretical Girls at La Boule Noire (120 bd Rochechouart 75018 Paris) the unmarked downstairs of La Cigale. Poni Hoax are high energy if not terribly unique. The lead singer is refreshingly ugly. Bug-eyed and balding like a frog. La Boule Noire is a very deep rectangular space, bigger than expected -- somewhere between Bowery Ballroom and Webster Hall. OK, minus the so-obviously-coked-out-that-she-wasn't-actually, aging hipster who kept climbing on her trucker-hat wearing boyfriend's shoulders and shouting.


Japanese coffee + Evangelism (William S. Clark)

How great: japanese single-serving coffee filter invention.

NOTE: The package reads, "boys be ambitious!", a phrase allegedly made famous in Japan by aristo- masshole politician and evangelist William S. Clark in 1877 when he converted a bunch of Japanese college boys to Christianity. Also, speculated to have been the mysterious "master" in many of Emily Dickinson's poems.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_S._Clark


Ohayo Gozaimasu!!!

The debut of gold molars. Gonna blog the shit outta bloggers.